5 Reasons to Sell Your House | Max Returns REI

5 Reasons to Sell Your House

National focus has been on our lackluster real estate market for the past few years now. And while the market has begun to make a slow recovery, there are still valid reasons to enter into the real estate market. You won’t lose out, regardless of what your loud mouth brother-in-law says. There are situations where selling your home, even in a down market, can be beneficial. Here are five examples.

Sell After/During a Divorce

Divorce can be a trying time emotionally, but it’s best not to ignore the financial ramifications, too. A home that was purchased with two incomes could very well be too expensive for one income. Don’t stress yourself out too much trying to stretch that one income to cover a mortgage made for two. You can sell your home and purchase a smaller one. Or, sell your home and move to Bangkok, far away from that awful ex and start over, fresh and new, with no reminders.

Foreclosure Sale of Your Home

If you were one of the unlucky victims of our recent recession, you may be underwater with your mortgage. You may owe more than the house is worth or you may not be able to afford the mortgage payments after you and/or your spouse lost a job. The bank can be insistent and while you feel you have no choice but to sell (you don’t), you don’t need to feel you’re entering the shark tank without a cage. A foreclosure sale is often your best option when it appears there aren’t any options left.

Sell Your Expensive House

If you fell victim to the McMansion craze, you may be struggling to make monthly mortgage payments on that behemoth you call a house. Maybe you were pressured (by your real estate agent, your friends, your spouse) to buy up, spending more than you feel comfortable paying every month and now you wish you could remedy that. This market isn’t ideal, but if you look at the consequences, it can be worth the risk to sell your expensive home and buy a more affordable option. If you keep going with the humongous payments, you could easily fall behind. Even if you do manage to keep up with your monthly penance, er, um, payment, you’ll be so stressed you won’t be able to enjoy life. Selling your house could save your sanity and your wallet.

Sell that Inherited House

Funerals are a sad time and they always seem to bring out the worst in relatives. Now you have a house, likely outdated and full of ’70s décor, in need of maintenance and repairs, which no one knows what to do with. If no one wants to live there even after the doilies are removed, and no one wants to play landlord and rent it out, it’s a viable option to place your inherited house on the market. Especially if you live far away from the house in question. A slagging market is no reason to keep paying property taxes and mowing an extra lawn while the value of your ignored property declines.

Interested in selling your New York home? Read my FREE Report on 7 Little Known Facts and Insider Secrets You Must Know If You’re Behind on Your Mortgage Including How to Avoid Getting Ripped off by Fast-talking Sleaze Balls.”



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