President’s speech was inspiring, but your best investment is clear: buy a home (NY) | Max Returns REI

President’s speech was inspiring, but your best investment is clear: buy a home (NY)

I get so many folks who call me and so many others want to talk to me on the streets about real estate investment, and everything that comes with it. They say, “Billy…times are terrible…why should I waste my time looking to buy a New York home?”

When it comes to the reasons to go out right now and buy a home (NY), there are plenty. But, to give you some perspective, let’s go back, first, with a little bit of Week in Review…

It was just last week that so many of us gathered around the TV, eagerly awaiting to hear about the President Obama’s plan for the economy and for the unemployment problem that has continued to plague our great country. So much so, that – the day after – there were massive Google searches for such terms as “Obama speech,” “Obama jobs plan,” “president Obama speech,” “President jobs plan” and “Obama jobs plan speech.” Everybody wanted to see the plan in clearer detail, and find out what it might do for them.

Unfortunately, though, the sad fact is that despite President Obama’s ambitious plans to help our country in these tough times, the likelihood of their having any direct, positive influence on your financial status are pretty slim.

And, then again, maybe that is not such a bad thing…Given that the solutions to your growing financial concerns and/or best investment strategies, are not going to come from President Obama, or any other political figure or office, maybe now, more than ever, is the time to make better investment decisions; investment decisions that are safer than the stock market and more likely to yield returns upward of 35 percent…

Yes, good folks, the truth of the matter is that, in these rough times, it’s DIY (do it yourself) or die…

Instead of wavering in the wind and wondering what will happen; wondering what the ‘country can do for you,’ and how your financial concerns will be addressed by the powers that be, my advice – as a well-known serial entrepreneur who owns a group of organizations worth over $1 billion (net, annualized) – is that you should forget about all of that and change your entire mindset. Now is the time to start to become your own ‘power.’

The mass de-valuing of homes all across the country has led to an almost incomprehensible amount of opportunity to invest in real estate. Home owners looking for a new route are struggling to sell a house in Suffolk County, sell a home in Nassau County, and sell a house in Long Island, overall, because it is more of a buyer’s market than ever before – with home prices having dropped by 40 percent in some areas. The upshot is that you can get in now, while home prices are lower than they have been in quite a long time, and be in great position when values start to come around – and they will. As someone who has played a part in close to 12,000 real estate transactions, I can say without a doubt that the real estate market runs in cycles, and that those who get in now – be it on their own, or as a private lender (with the guidance of ax expert such as myself) – will be glad they did, down the road.

So look around, folks, because the best investment opportunities you are ever likely to encounter are right in front of you, clearly marked by “For Sale” signs that dot every few feet of land here in New York and Long Island. Forget about fancy-pants firms, high-rises and consultants who want to tell you how to invest so they can trim the best fat and line their pockets. Look to buy a home (NY), and you can take the first step in having the power to control your future, financial destiny!


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